#!/bin/sh man() { cat << \EOT NAME src2man - extract man pages from source files. SYNOPSIS src2man [-n][-v volume][-r release] [srcfile ...] DESCRIPTION src2man scans source file srcfile. Only C source files are supported for now. Comments blocks starting by "/** num", where num is a section number, are converted into a man file, using txt2man(1). The first line of the comment block must contain the name of the manpage, usually the function name, followed by a "-" and a short description. The following lines are the "DESCRIPTION" section content, except if they are in upper case, in which case they define a new section. If the next line after a comment block is a C function prototype, then a "SYNOPSIS" section will be filled using that prototype. This avoids to duplicate the prototype in the comment block. The best place for code documentation is in the source file, where the body is implemented, not the header file which only contains the prototype. src2man automatically searches for the presence of a prototype in the corresponding header file, and if found, will print a "#include" statement in the synopsis. OPTIONS -n No man page is created. The name of the manpages that would be created are printed. -p volume Specify the name of the volume to be printed in center header of generated manpages. -r release Specify the project and release number for the generated manpage. EXAMPLE The following example displays C code and comments to generate a manpage foobar.3: /** 3 * foobar - a sample dummy function * This line is now the first of the description section. * Note that function parameters parm1 and parm2 are highlighted * in the generated man page. */ int foobar(char *parm1, int parm2) { ... return 0; } SEE ALSO txt2man(1), bookman(1). AUTHOR Marc Vertes EOT } nogen=0 release=unknown while getopts :hnr:v: opt do case $opt in n) nogen=1;; v) volume="$OPTARG";; r) release="$OPTARG";; *) man; exit;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # # Extract manpages from source files. Man page content is enclosed in # commment blocks starting by "/** sectnum" # awk -v release="$release" -v volume="$volume" -v nogen=$nogen ' /\/\*\* [0-9]/ { sect = $2 getline sub(/^ \* */, " ") title = $1 name = $0 inc = FILENAME sub(/.[cS]$/, ".h", inc) found = "" grep_cmd = "test -f " inc " && grep -wq " title " " inc " \ 2>/dev/null && echo ok || echo nok" grep_cmd | getline found # description section extraction. in_synop = 0 synop = "" while (getline) { if ($0 ~ /^ *\*\//) break sub(/^ \* /, "") sub(/^ \*/, "") if ($1 ~ /^[A-Z ]+$/ && $1 != "SYNOPSIS") in_synop = 0 if ($1 == "SYNOPSIS") { in_synop = 1 continue } if ($1 == "DESCRIPTION") continue if (in_synop) synop = synop (synop ? "\n" : "") $0 else desc = desc (desc ? "\n" : "") $0 } # prototype extraction for synopsis. while (getline) { if (synop) break sub(/^[ \t]*/, "") synop = synop (synop ? "\n" : "") $0 if ($0 ~/\)[ \t{}\;]*$/) { sub(/{[^}]}/, "", synop) sub(/[ \t]*$/, "", synop) if (found == "ok") synop = "#include \"" inc "\"\n" synop if (synop !~ /\;$/) synop = synop ";" break } if ($0 ~/^\/\*\* [0-9]/ || $0 ~ /^#/) { synop = "" break } } print title "." sect > "/dev/stderr" if (nogen) { name = synop = desc = sect = "" next } print "NAME\n" name (synop ? "\nSYNOPSIS\n " synop : "") \ "\nDESCRIPTION\n" desc "\nFILE\n " FILENAME | \ "txt2man -v \"" volume "\" -r " release " -s " sect \ " -t " title " > " title "." sect name = synop = desc = sect = "" } ' $*